Babies, Weaning

After birth, for the first six months the baby gets all the required nutrients from the breast milk or formula milk. The parents are always anxious as to when they can introduce solid food to the baby and how. They also do not know whether the baby would like it. If they want to start giving solid food, they would prefer knowing what kind of food it should be. However, they should know that the baby might not be able to digest solid food in the first six months of life. Once six months have lapsed, they can start giving solid food in between. This is for the baby to get iron and other important nutrition. The babies get used to certain tastes and forms of foods too. When the baby attains a year, your menu may suit them.

How to know that the baby is ready for solid food

The babies are not satisfied with milk feed only, at this stage. They require frequent feeding. They may wake up in the nights due to hunger. They observe you curiously while you eat, and mimic. However, they should be able to sit up with or without support for intake of solid foods.

How to feed them solid foods

In the initial stage, babies take solid food very slowly. With a spoon, you have to feed them, introducing the spoon slightly deeper. Patience while feeding is necessary. You should keep the spoon and bowl clean. The amount of food in the bowl should be just sufficient for the baby. The remains should not be fed to the baby. Fresh preparation is always advisable. Feed the food with a bearable temperature. However, do not allow it to cool down. Watch the baby carefully while it eats, so that you come to know immediately if the food chokes in the throat. Clean the mouth of the baby after feeding. You can stop feeding when your instinct says it is enough. The baby also will not allow you to feed further when it is sufficient.

Can the parents allow babies to help themselves

If the babies want to feed themselves, you can provide spoons. However, the parents should have one spoon with them for simultaneous feeding, as the babies may not be able to consume effectively, by themselves.

What kind of solid food need to be given

You can give baby rice mingled with milk. You can feed them with a little of well-cooked vegetable or clean fruit. This can follow the milk feed. You can gradually increase the quantum of solid food. Do not add salt or sugar to the food. You can increase the frequency also, in a gradual manner. Small amounts of carrot, banana or cooked apple will suffice. You can introduce mashed meat or pulses. Always defrost the frozen food, as the food you give to the baby should be warm enough.

What sort of foods should not be given to the babies

Do not add salt or sugar in the solid food, with which you feed your baby. The immature kidneys of the baby cannot process salt and so it could be dangerous for them. Sugar causes damage and decay of teeth. You should not feed honey, as this is equivalent to sugar. Do not give hard food as it can choke. The foods low in calorie, fat and fibre content are not suitable for them. Do not feed fishes, which are rich in mercury. The shellfish is poisonous. Avoid such kind of foods for babies.

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