Diabetes insipidus

This is quite a rare condition in which the body is not able to retain enough amount of water and the occurrence of this is almost 1 in 25,000 people. The condition affects people in any range of age and also seen more common among adults. The condition is seen to be a rare condition and very unlike the diabetes mellitus where the condition happens due to lot of sugar in the blood and a very common condition. The amount of water, when goes quite low in the body, the ADH is released and that helps to retain water by stopping the kidneys from producing urine, but during this condition, the kidneys are not sent the signal for stopping to form urine and thus the body keeps losing water.. The condition has been termed as two types namely, cranial diabetes insipidus and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. The cranial type happens when there is not enough amount of ADH in the body and it is not able to regulate the water lost due to urination. The nephrogenic diabetes happens when the ADH is enough in the body to regulate the water lost but kidneys do not respond and they keep losing water and at a point in time, the process lets the body lose lot of water.


The two major symptoms seen for this are needing to pass lot of urine and feeling thirsty at all the times. While the individual passes excessive urine, it causes body to lose lot of water anyway. The individual may observe that they need to pass urine every 15-20 minutes and that’s in pale yellow color. In a case of constant thirst, drinking water all the time and not feeling content can be even a larger problem and one may not be able to track the amount of water which has been consumed. The other symptoms would be trouble in sleeping or carrying out the normal daily activities. The feeling of not being well, failure to thrive in kids and dehydration risk.


The cause is the hormone called as antiduretic hormone (ADH). The function of ADH is to regulate water in the body and that’s what it fails to do. In some cases, there is shortage in ADH and the body is not able to regulate the water lost by the body through urine. Other reasons can be some kidney problems, certain medications which causes this condition or an inheriting kidney issue.


The doctor should be able to diagnose that by probing the current condition and also carrying out tests. The doctor may also want to get in touch with the endocrinologist and take those tests. The doctor would want to confirm the symptoms since loss of water is also associated to other medical conditions also. Water deprivation tests. Ant diuretic hormone tests, MRI scans are the one which would be conducted in order to find out the proper causes and symptoms.


Treatment would try to reduce the water loss and also see to it that the ADH is naturally produced. The doctor can recommend desmopressin for the same.

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