Feeding Your Pet Bird

Once upon a time, it was thought all birds ate seeds and nothing else. Now we know that birds need a wide variety of foods in order to get the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Please keep in mind that different species will have different nutritional needs.

Complete Foods

The basic component of any pet bird’s diet is usually complete food in pellets or puffs. These are similar to rabbit pellets, containing most of the nutrients a pet bird would need. But pet birds can bore of this food very quickly if that’s all they are fed.


In the wild, many species of pet birds eat very little protein, preferring to eat seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables, although a bird will rarely say no to a buggy snack. Also, bugs picked up from the garden may have chemical lawn fertiliser or other dangerous chemicals on them. Feeder crickets or mealworms you get from a pet shop are okay to feed.

Fruits and Vegetables

With the exception of avocados, all fresh fruit and vegetables are okay to give to pet birds. If you give tomatoes, be sure to remove any stems and leaves, as these contain a toxin.


A low calorie treat many birds go mad for is popcorn. Be sure to use an unflavoured and preferably unsalted variety.


Polly wanna cracker, You bet – as a treat, breads and cooked pasta are hard to beat. Avoid sugary pastries, biscuits, cakes or anything with chocolate.

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