
Goldfish is a famous fish pet and is considered one of the earliest types of fish to be cultivated in private homes. The domestication of these fish originated in China, which eventually spread to Europe.

Although relatively small, goldfish can develop into a maximum of 23 inches long and 9.9 pounds. The record for the longest goldfish was given to the pet of Joris Gijsbers, which measured 47.4 cm (in 2003). Goldfish, specifically those domesticated ones, only live for about 6 to 8 years since they are kept in aquariums that are much different from their natural habitat. Goldfish existing in their natural environment have a greater chance of surviving for a longer period. In fact, the oldest goldfish recorded was forty-nine years.

Goldfish best survive in ponds although they can also live in aquariums. As a coldwater fish, goldfish can survive in an unheated container. The perfect food for them is those with high carbohydrate nutrients and lower protein like commercialised pellets and flakes. Shelled peas, bloodworms, daphnia, and green leafy vegetables could also be given to goldfish as supplement to their diet. Since overfeeding of fish is fatal, they should only be fed an amount of food they can consume in 1-2 minutes.

Originally, goldfish were golden in colour. Their original varieties are Telescope eye, Black Moor, Veiltail, Butterfly tail, and Comet. However, they have been subjected to selective breeding. Today, there are new varieties of goldfish having different colours and features. These types include Muse, Azuma nishiki, Pandora bubble eye, Aurora, Umagyo, Willow, Kintama, and Singachu/sakura singachu.

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