Hyperlipidaemia and lipid lowering medicines

The condition in which there are a lot of lipids in the blood is known as hyperlipidaemia. Triglyceride and cholesterol are the 2 important lipids in the blood.
It is proved that CHD that is coronary heart disease can be prevented by reducing the cholesterol levels. A few important steps that could be taken in to account in order to reduce the level of cholesterol are, increment in the level of exercise, intake of a diet which is low in fats, reducing the intake of alcohol and also quitting smoking. The level of lipids in the blood should be reduced by taking these steps in case the blood report indicates hyperlipidaemia.
In case all these steps taken do not aid in reducing the levels of lipids in the blood then you might even be asked to take medication to reduce the lipids in the blood, by the doctor. In case you suffer from coronary heart disease or at the verge of being detected of it the doctor would advise you to go in for a treatment to reduce the lipids in your blood along with the medication you would be already taking.
The people would are more prone to get coronary heart disease are people who have a family history of coronary heart disease, people who suffer from hypertension that is high blood pressure, people who are bodily dormant, people who suffer from mellitus diabetes and people who are constant smokers.


The chief lipids in the bloodstream are triglycerides and cholesterol. In order to reduce the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol lipid lowering medicines are taken. Triglycerides and cholesterol are naturally present in the blood and to an extent are essential as a source of energy, to as to help in the regenerating of cells and also for the hormone growth and production.
A fatty element in the blood is called cholesterol. It is essentially formed in the liver as a result of the intake of saturated fat. Only a certain amount comes straight from the cholesterol in the food. It is moved around in the body in the bloodstream affixed to a protein called lipoprotein.
Depending on the protein in the fat there are three kinds of lipoproteins, there are as follows:
LDL that is low density lipoprotein which amounts to sixty to seventy percent of the total cholesterol,

HDL that is high density lipoproteins that amounts to twenty to thirty percent of the total cholesterol, and
VLDL that is very low density lipoproteins these are very rich in triglycerides and amount to ten to fifteen percent of the total cholesterol.
In case of high LDL cholesterol in the blood in might build up in the walls of the blood vessels, creating a development of plaques that is cell waste, fatty deposits of cholesterol and other substances which create elevated patches on the wall of the artery, which in turn leads to atherosclerosis that is narrowing of the artery and it could also lead to blocking of the artery. Arteries can in turn lead to strokes, heart attacks and even death. An increased levels in the LDL cholesterol hicks the danger of coronary heart disease and stroke. LDL is also known as bad cholesterol in a few cases.
High levels of HDL cholesterol aid to protect against the building up of the narrowing of arteries. In case there is a low level of HDL the greater the risk of atherosclerosis. HDL is also called good cholesterol in a few cases.
High levels of triglycerides and cholesterol are due to no exercise, medical problems like under active thyroid, liver disease, diabetes mellitus and kidney disease, intake of too much of high saturated fats, too much of alcohol , hereditary, and intake of a few medications that might cause this condition like testosterone, prednisone, diuretics, oestrogens and medications for blood pressure.

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