Jesus the Movie

This is a film that has been seen by some 4 billion people, in over 700 languages and dialects. Whether you are Christian, Muslim, Jewish or of any other faith, you will find this movie absolutely riveting because it will introduce you to someone who’s life was revolutionary.

It’s an epic story of tragedy and triumph and of one of the most controversial lives in all of human history. The viewer is instantly transported back some 2000 years, to a time that a man called The Christ walked the hallowed streets of the holy land.

The script for the movie was taken word for word from Luke’s Gospel in the New Testament. The events depicted are presented with an amazing degree of accuracy in accordance with the ancient texts. The photography is beautiful, especially since over 200 filming locations were used in the Holy Lands. The dialogue too pays close attention to both biblical and historical accuracy, and many of the conversations Christ had are scripted word for word from the Gospel of Luke.

I enjoyed this movie. Maybe that is because I am a Christian. But I have to say that others in my circle of friends have enjoyed watching it too, and some of them are of other faiths that do not recognize Jesus as being the messiah foretold of in the messianic prophesies.

If for no other reason than to learn a bit about biblical history, this movie is sure not to disappoint. And, if you are a seeker, looking for meaning in your life, watching this film may very well be the life-changing event that rocks your entire world.

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