Ovarian cancer Part 2

Continuation from part 1
Infertility and fertility treatment
Studies have suggested that, there can be a link between infertility treatment and ovarian cancer. But recent studies have dismissed it. Studies are still on to find a link between the two. There can be a higher risk of getting the condition if you are infertile, than the treatment for infertility
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be associated with higher risk of ovarian cancer. Women who take HRT are prone by 1.2 times to develop ovarian cancer. As long as you take HRT the risk increases but once you stop, it comes to normal.
overweight or obese
Being overweight increases the chances by 1/3rd to develop ovarian cancer. You can check your weight with the BMI (body mass index) calculator.
Cells that usually line the womb spreads to ovaries, bowel and bladder, Endometriosis occurs. This increases risk by 1/3rd to develop ovarian cancer.
If your symptoms are similar to ovarian cancer, you need to see a doctor immediately. Vaginal examinations will be carried out to check for abnormalities on ovaries or on the womb. You will be referred to gynecologist for further test like an ultrasound and blood test, further test to confirm diagnosis of ovarian cancer also will be suggested.
Once you are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, these tests can also determine the grade and stage of ovarian cancer. Grades and stage helps to decide the treatment for the condition. Stage indicates at what level the cancer has spread and grade indicates how fast it is spreading.
Mentioned below are different test that help to diagnose ovarian cancer:
Blood test
CA125 is a chemical, produced by cancer cells and circulates in bloodstream. A sample of blood is taken to check higher than required levels of CA125. In case CA125 levels are high it doesn’t exactly mean you have the condition of ovarian cancer. And normal levels don’t mean you don’t have the condition.
High frequency sound waves are used to produce image of ovaries & also reproductive system similar to that of an unborn baby seen in the womb. This ultrasound can be external, wherein next to the stomach the probe is put or internal wherein through the vagina a probe is inserted. The produced image shows texture and size of ovaries and also cysts in case they are present.
To have a better view of ovaries a small operation is carried and is called as laparoscopy. General anesthesia will be given during this operation. To examine the ovaries, a thin tube with camera will be inserted through a cut in lower abdomen. Sample of tissues may also be taken which is called as biopsy.
In case ovarian cancer is spread to digestive system, endoscopy is suggested. A viewing tube is inserted in your digestive system and check signs that spread cancer. General anesthesia is given during this process.
Incase you experience bleeding from rectum or constipation, colonoscopy is recommended to examine your colon. A viewing tube is inserted in the rectum, you might be given sedatives or painkiller which can keep you relaxed.
Abdominal fluid aspiration
If the abdomen gets swelled as fluid is built up, it means that ovarian cancer has spread. A needle insertion is done in the abdomen to take the sample of the fluid and test cancer cells. If the fluid is more it will drained out in a bag. During this process local anesthesia is given
Chest X-ray
In case ovarian cancer has spread to lungs, X-rays will be required.
CT scan or MRI scan
Radio waves and strong magnetic field are used in MRI scan whereas in a CT a series of X-rays are used to form a image. These are used to get detailed pictures of the body and also check where all the cancer has spread.

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