Keeping Birds

Where To Get Pet Birds

The best place to get pet birds is to adopt them from your local bird rescue centre or animal shelter. These birds are often abandoned through no fault of their own. Reasons people surrender their pet birds include the...

Signs Your Bird Is Sick

In the wild, most species of pet birds are prey animals. This means that if they showed themselves to be sick, then they would get the attention of predators thinking they were easy to catch. Therefore as soon as you...

Nail and Beak Trimming

A pet bird’s beak and nails will grow continuously thorough its life. Eventually, your pet bird is going to have to get the beak and nails trimmed. If you are a beginner at bird keeping, then it’s best to...

Misconceptions About Pet Birds

Although birds like falcons, ducks and chickens have been domesticated for thousands of years, it is only in the last couple of centuries that keeping birds in our homes as pets has caught on. Many birds in the pet...

Is Your Bird Legal,

The feathered beauty is for sale – but is the bird legal, The illegal pet trade has exploded since the rise of the Internet, where it is impossible to police the billions of websites selling goods and services. On the...

House Training Pet Birds

It is possible to housetrain pet birds, but it takes a lot of patience and persistence. In the wild, birds toilet whenever and wherever they feel like it, so it may be hard to get your bird to change her attitude. Your...

Feeding Your Pet Bird

Once upon a time, it was thought all birds ate seeds and nothing else. Now we know that birds need a wide variety of foods in order to get the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Please keep in mind that different...

Clipping Wings of Pet Birds

It used to be that all pet birds were sold with clipped wings. Most pet bird books from more than twenty years ago strongly advise that all pet birds should have their wings clipped. But now may pet bird owners frown on...

Cleaning Pet Birds

Birds have to keep themselves very clean in order to be able to fly. A dirty bird is a clear sign that your pet is sick and needs the attention of a vet. On the other hand, a bird that constantly preens every waking...

Choosing Your Pet Bird

Although birds are attractive and fun, they are a lot of work. You need to be able to choose the pet bird that fits in best with your lifestyle and personality. A pet bird should never be an impulse buy or be given as a...

Choosing Bird Supplies

Ideally, you will have the supplies all in place before you bring your feathered friend home. Birds are high-maintenance pets and require a lot of gear. Cage The round-domed antique birdcages seen in pop culture will...

Choosing A Vet for Your Bird

Never assume that your local vet or the vet your dogs and cats go to will be competent enough to take care of pet birds. You need to find a vet for your bird before you bring your bird home. Birds need annual check ups...

Can Your Bird Make You Sick,

In comparison with humans, there are very few ways your pet bird can get you sick. Not very many diseases can pass from a bird to their owner. Usually, when people feel ill around a bird, it’s because they are...

Breeding Pet Birds

You should avoid breeding your pet birds if at all possible. Although you may be tempted to raise a chick for the experience, breeding birds takes a lot of time, special equipment, patience and veterinary expense. Also...

Birds for Beginners

Not all species of pet birds are suitable for first-time bird owners. Some species require special diets, are aggressive or need other special handling. Pet bird species that are good for beginners are birds that are...

Birds as Pets: Why Bother,

No matter what kind of pet bird you bring home, they are a huge responsibility. They need proper diet, grooming, equipment and vet care. This all translates into a lot of money. Birds also are very much like children in...

Birds and Other Pets

If you already have other pets, can you bring home a pet bird to add to the menagerie, Or, if you already have a pet bird, can you add another furry friend, Never bring a pet home on impulse. They are a big...