Rabbit Facts & Info

Though rabbits are domesticated animals that can make wonderful pets, there are many things that the general public does not know about them. It can be extremely beneficial to learn as much as you can about rabbits if you plan to obtain one as a pet. For example, many people do not realize that though rabbits are quiet, they need a lot of exercise. Your rabbit’s cage should be big enough for him to hop around in as well as stand up on his hind legs.

Rabbits are fine living together and may actually prefer it so long as you ensure to have them neutered first. Rabbits do not like to be alone all the time. They enjoy the company of others, so interact with them often and consider having more than one. If you put your rabbits together it’s a good idea to keep them together, even during vet visits; otherwise, rabbits can forget each other or become confused.

Be very cautious and careful when handling your rabbit. They are very timid creatures that do not react well to loud noises and sudden movements. Hold them carefully and don’t pick up a rabbit that is not comfortable with the motion. Make sure children are always gentle when petting as well.

A rabbit needs something to chew on regularly, such as carrots, in order to file their teeth down. A rabbit’s teeth do not stop growing so keep this in mind. Owning a rabbit is hard work but it is rewarding. Stay informed so you can meet all of your rabbit’s needs.

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