Rabbits Veterans

Aging rabbits are no different from any other living creature as it ages. As your rabbit becomes a veteran, do what you can to make life more comfortable for him in his older age. Stiffness may start to set in and your veteran rabbit may begin to spend a lot more time sleeping. This is normal but make sure that your rabbit is healthy for their age. If your rabbit seems to be stiffer or slower than usual, he or she may have arthritis. Keep an eye on this and take your pet to the vet if you believe that may be the case. There are things your vet can give you to aid in pain relief and comfort.

Make sure that your older bunny always has a soft spot to sleep. Keep hay and bedding fresh and thick so that it’s easier for them to lie down and enjoy their rest. Change it often to avoid it becoming smelly or dirty. Check the hocks of your rabbit in case he develops calluses. Petroleum jelly can greatly help these problem areas.

You may find that you will have to adjust the level of pellets and vegetables your rabbit eats. As they get older their diet may start to change. They might also prefer to have water in a dish as well as a bowl so keep both options available. An older rabbit may also develop cataracts or have vision problems. See the vet at around six years of age for a check-up.

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