Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse comes in many different forms and extends well beyond the realms of rape. Anything that goes against the explicit sexual wishes of an individual is considered sexual abuse. A person who does not want sexual contact and has that contact forced upon them has been a victim of sexual abuse. There is no excuse for sexually abusing someone and there is no reason to tolerate any form of sexual abuse.

Sexual abuse can come in the form of contact with the breasts or genital area and can extend to actual intercourse. The fact is that most people who are sexually abused have been coerced in some way to keep the abuse a secret and may have even been convinced that they somehow asked for the abuse. This is a trick of the abuser to ensure that they are not caught.

The impact of sexual abuse can lead to psychological trauma that can extend well into the adult years and have an impact on every area of the victim’s life. Victims who hesitate to report any such abuse for fear of facing consequences have every right to be afraid. The consequences can at times be uncertain and frightening. The abuser will likely deny the allegations and the victim will feel ashamed. This is however, the first step in ending the cycle of abuse.

The sooner a victim reports the abuse, the sooner the healing can begin. Recovering from the trauma of sexual abuse is a long-term process. The victim will have to make the choice to report the abuse and begin the healing immediately or to allow the abuse to continue and condemn themselves to a lifetime of misery.

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