Starting a Business – The Real World

Once you leave school you are going to have to think about what you do next, and for some people they will want to be their own boss and run their own business. Anyone can start a business, and working for yourself is the easiest way to do this – you won’t consider having employees straightway; you’ll simply do something that will earn you enough money to live.

If you try and start your own business straight after you have left school, you are basically saying that you feel you have enough skills already; this could be a huge gamble. It could work, and some famous names that you may have heard of have been in the business world working for themselves since they were very young: Richard Branson and Sir Alan Sugar always come up whenever entrepreneurs are discussed.

You could consider transferring to a local college and getting some more skills before you start. A small business will need to keep its own records, prepare accounts and complete tax returns, so if nothing else a course in accounting or finance would be a good option.

Starting your own business in the real world takes determination, and you will have to be tough and take the knock backs as they come. It will not provide you with a reliable income as you will never know exactly how much you will earn. A fluctuating income can be frustrating, but you should persevere if it’s what you really want in life.

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