Stop Smoking Products

For smokers who are serious about successfully completing a cessation program, stop smoking products are one way to make it through the nicotine cravings. Many of these products provide not only a nicotine fix but also a physical replacement for cigarettes. However, using more than one product at a time should be done only under a doctor’s orders.
Stop smoking gum provides a jolt of nicotine, while keeping the smoker’s mouth busy. Many of these products are flavoured. Some of the flavours include mint, orange and strawberry. With the exception of the packaging, nicotine gum can easily be mistaken for any other gum.
A nicotine inhaler is a cessation product that can be used by smokers who need to mimic the motion of putting a cigarette to the lips. However, with an inhaler, only one to two puffs can be used during each session. There are some inhalers that are only available with a doctor’s prescription.
Much like smoking cessation gum, lozenges are useful for the smoker whose biggest challenge is keeping the mouth busy. The benefit to lozenges is that the smoker can suck on them to mimic the inhalation that takes place when smoking a cigarette.
For people who are busy and those who are unable to use other products, a nicotine patch is usually the best option. These patches are placed on the arm, hip or stomach. They deliver a slow, controlled dose of nicotine. As the cessation program progresses the number of patches and the replacement rate change to decrease the amount of nicotine.

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