Teacher Bullying

When we talk about bullying at school, it is always easy to assume that the bully is another pupil. However, sometimes pupils find that they are being bullied by a teacher. In an ideal world, all teachers would be inspirational adults who make learning fun and provide a listening ear when things are not going great for you. The problem is that many teachers entered the professional for the wrong reasons, including the power that they can hold over their pupils.

You know that there are teachers you like more than others. Disliking a teacher is not enough to call them a bully. So when does a teacher’s behaviour cross the line, If a teacher makes nasty comments about or makes any unwanted physical advances towards a pupil then it would be considered bullying. Also, if the teacher suggests that you can pass an assignment by doing something other than school work, this is unacceptable.

If you are being bullied by a teacher, you might feel that there is nothing you can do about it but this is not the case. Firstly, it is important that you tell someone like your mum or dad. You can then arrange to discuss the problem with at school, perhaps with a guidance teacher or the head of your year. If you feel your complaint is not being taken seriously, you can lodge a formal complaint with the education authority. However, if you would not like to go this far you can ask to be transferred to another class.

No-one should get away with bullying you. The only way to silence a bully is to speak up.

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