Top 10 Action Lines and Phrases

All action movies are packed with car chases, shootouts, and things blowing up, but what about their dialogue, These are the best lines and phrases from action films.

10. “Now that’s what I call a close encounter” – Independence Day
Making fun of the sci-fi film “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” Will Smith gets his hands on an actual alien.

9. “Hasta La Vista, baby” – Terminator 2
One of Arnold’s classic lines, this one is used daily by all sorts of folks.

8. Fugetaboutit” – Donnie Brasco
The accent and sense of style comes through in this simple phrase.

7. “I love the smell of napalm in the morning” – Apocalypse Now
A comment on the war and the little things taken for granted.

6. “Luke, I am your father” – Star Wars
Everyone knows this one. How could you ever forget that scene,

5. “Go ahead, make my day” – Dirty Harry
It’s a threat and a personal motto.

4. “Say hello to my little friend” – Scarface
When he pulls out that gun you know the shoot out is just about to begin.

3. “I’ll be back” – Terminator
Arnold’s most famous quote and one he still uses to this day.

2. “Do I feel lucky, Well, do ya, punk,” – Dirty Harry
I love his confidence and sense of humour in this line. It just goes to show more and more of his personality.

1. “Yipee-ki-yay MuthaFucka” – Die Hard
John McClane was having a really bad day and this was just one moment of triumph and joy.

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