Yoga Poses and Workouts (Online Workout- Sun Salutation)

The word Yoga comes from “yuj,” a Sanskrit word that means “to unite” or “to join,” signifying uniting or joining with nature. The Yogis perform Yoga to balance emotion, action and intelligence with breathing and meditation exercises. The Sun Salutation Pose, or Surya Namaskar, is one of the basic poses of Yoga. It is a sequence of twelve poses that helps improve muscle flexibility and strength. This pose is a good way to warm up the body and develop abdominal muscles. Below is the procedure to perform the Sun Salutation pose.

To start the Yoga Mountain, or Tadasana, pose, put your palms in prayer position and exhale. Inhale, then lift both arms over your head with both palms together. Next, exhale while bending forward until your hands touch your feet. Step your right leg back and inhale. Arch back while lifting your chin, then step the left leg next to your right leg while keeping your body and legs in a straight line with your hands and feet carrying your body’s weight. Lower your body with toes curled. Inhale, then stretch forward and bend your body back. Keep your hands straight. Press down on your heels and lift your mid-body. Move one leg back while the other one stretched flat. Raise your chin. Next, bend forward until your hands and feet touch. Stretch your arms forward overhead and bend slowly from waist in backward direction. Lastly, return to Tadasama while gently exhaling. These poses should be done correctly in inhale-exhale intervals in order to gain better results with the help of an instructor.

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