Yoga Poses and Workouts (Intermediate Workout – Standing Balance Sequence)

Yoga is composed of traditional mental and physical disciplines from India. In some places, Yoga is correlated to Hatha Yoga and its postures or a type of exercise. Yoga is composed of different workouts and poses for different objectives.

Standing balances are included in intermediate workouts and are difficult to master, but they suit any kind of personality and degree of physical capacity. The balances require flexibility and strength as well as balancing ability.

The first pose is called awkward chair, or Utkatasana. It starts by bending both legs at the knee. Next is the eagle pose, or Garudasana. In this pose, the left leg crosses over and wraps the right leg, hooking the left foot at the back of the right calf and wrapping the left arm by the right arm, allowing the palms touch each other, holding for five breaths. After the eagle pose is Tree Pose, or Vrksasana. In this pose, the arms and legs should be unwrapped and the sole of the left foot must touch the inner-right thigh while the hands form an anjali mudra, held for five breaths. The fourth pose is the King Dancer Pose, or Natarajasana. In this pose, the left foot is raised backward by the left arm, holding the inside, then the right hand is raised and held for five breaths. The next pose is the Warrior III, or Virabhadrasana III. In this pose, the left leg is lifted backward, parallel to the ground, hands on the waist and held for five breaths. These poses are only a few of the poses included in yoga.

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