10 Best Arnold Schwarzenegger Action Movies

Arnold was a born action star, there’s no doubt about it. Thus he has made some great movies in his career. Here are his best.

10. Batman and Robin
He was okay as the ice man in this film but let’s face it, this was one of the worst Batman films in the franchise’s history.

9. Collateral Damage
A good action film overall but Arnold is known for action so it simply wasn’t his finest.

8. Eraser
This was a pretty cool movie. He works with the beautiful Vanessa Williams and gets to use his guns quite a bit.

7. Total Recall
Great action scenes!

6. Terminator 2
“Hasta la vista, baby.” The Terminator returned and brought with him a whole lot of force and a huge audience following.

5. Kindergarten Cop
A whole different side of Arnold as he plays Mr. Kimble, a kindergarten substitute who is an undercover cop but finds he loves working with children. The softer side of Arnold. There’s still action though, don’t worry about that.

4. Last Action Hero
He was so cool in this movie. He’s a movie star. Every kid wanted to be that kid who gets sucked into the film with Arnold. How cool is that,

3. Predator
He’s the best jungle commando out there and with those big muscles and even bigger guns I sure would be afraid of him and want him to be protecting me in the deep trees.

2. True Lies
He’s slick, cool and in control but then he goes home and just has a quiet dinner with his wife who thinks he has a boring office job. Love it. He’s the awesome action hero who lives a double life.

1. The Terminator
This is of course his best film as this movie put him on the map and has his classic line. “I’ll be back.”

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