Aggression in Rabbits

The behaviour of rabbits is rarely the same all the time. Like anyone else, rabbits can experience moments of aggression. Of course, you want to be sure that your rabbit does not become permanently aggressive or else you could have a real problem on your hands. It’s important to try to understand why your rabbit is aggressive sometimes and how you can properly deal with it. Before you get upset about your rabbit’s behaviour, understand that there is a reason for it and that rabbits are not born genetically mean.

No matter what you do, never hit your rabbit as a means of discipline when they show aggressive behaviour. That will only make the problem worse. A rabbit must feel safe in their environment and if they do not feel safe with you, they will not cease their aggressiveness. Create an atmosphere that makes them feel safe and approach them with gentleness rather than a strict attitude.

It’s best to approach your rabbit by petting the top of their head and avoid going for their nose or face. Rabbits do not like having the feeling of someone getting in their face. They react defensively because it is a dominant gesture. Go slowly and pet their head lightly as they get used to you on their own. If your rabbit has a biting issue, wear gloves for a while as you get acquainted with each other. If your rabbit seems extremely, abnormally aggressive, speak to your vet just to be on the safe side.

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