Assyrian Weddings – Play of the Flute and Drums

Many Assyrians, especially those who have embraced Western culture, now mix Assyrian traditions with those of their adopted countries. There are features of both traditions that appeal to young and old, so why not, However, there are some traditions that simply must be included in any Assyrian wedding.

Music is very important; Assyrians have an ancient tradition of playing “Dola w Zorna” or the play of the flute and drums at every wedding. It is performed at the bride and groom’s homes, at the ceremony in the church and at the wedding banquet/reception. Apart from during the actual religious section of the wedding, the flute and drums play almost continuously. It is said the music puts everyone in a happy, festive mood.

The traditional Assyrian wedding outfit is known as the “Joulet d’Koohala”, which when translated means the “dress of fun.” Bold, bright and beautiful, the outfit is more commonly used in the Middle East than in the Western world. That, combined with the “Dola w Zoma” makes for the most traditional of Assyrian celebrations.

Food also has its place and a sweet, nut encrusted pastry, called “kadeh” or “kaleche” is served as part of the wedding feast. These tasty treats are served, along with other traditional dishes, both before, during and after the wedding ceremony. Celebrations start early and music, food and the playing of “Dola w Zoma” are meant to be part of the fun until the very last second of the traditional Assyrian wedding.

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