Atkins Diet

Developed by Dr. Robert Atkins and popularized in a series of books starting in 1972, the Atkins Diet emphasizes a low-carbohydrate lifestyle and was one of the most famous diets of the early 2000’s. Dr. Atkins adapted a diet that he originally saw in ‘The Journal of the American Medical Association’ to address his own obesity. When he realized how successful his diet was in helping him to slim down and stay healthy, he theorized various conditions he felt contributed to obesity in Western cultures. Atkins blamed excessive weight gain on refined carbohydrates such as sugar, flour, and high fructose corn syrup. According to Atkins, the refined flours and the excessive sugars found in most conventional foods have worsened individual’s metabolisms. He advocated a low-carbohydrate lifestyle to encourage the human body to switch from storing excessive fat to metabolising glucose as energy. Known as ketosis, this process begins when insulin levels are low.
The Atkins Diet’s popularity is only matched by the controversy surrounding it. Critics of the diet wonder how healthy a process ketosis is on an ongoing basis and hypothesize that it can cause damage to some organs. Other criticisms revolve around the amount of fats and protein consumed in the diet. A popular misinterpretation is that Atkins Diet followers are encouraged to eat unlimited amounts of fat-laden meats and cheeses, a fallacy which Atkins was quick to correct in his more recent book revisions.
Despite these criticisms, the Atkins Diet remains one of the most popular diets of all time. Atkins Nutritional Products are widely available in supermarkets, and millions of people worldwide adhere to the diet and credit it with their successful weight loss.

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