Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a condition which affects human moods resulting in mood swings. This was known as manic depression in earlier days. One can have episodes of mania and depression if this condition exists.

The two extremities of bipolar disorder are:

Mania, the one where you are high
Depression where one is totally low.

The bipolar disorders with less sever e symptoms is known as hypomania.

Mania and depression have their own types of symptoms. The extreme periods tend to stay for a long time, extending it to weeks or even months. These conditions are so worse that the normal life of the person suffering from bipolar disorder is entirely shattered.

Even though the exact reason behind this disease is not known, it is considered to be hereditary. It often develops in the age group of 18 to 24 and can be seen both in men as well as women from any background.

Usually the depression state is felt initially, which may later develop into maniac conditions. The state of depression can even lead one person into committing suicide.

The maniac phase is characterised by being feeling happy extremely. The person will be very ambitious and may carry a lot of plans and ideas with them. They become extravagant for no reason. People suffering from maniac conditions tend to have a feeling of not liking to sleep or eat. They also get annoyed very easily.


The low phase or depression is characterised by

  • lack of energy
  • hopelessness
  • feeling sad
  • losing interest in the daily chores
  • feeling worthless
  • feeling empty
  • feeling of despair
  • guilty feeling
  • pessimism
  • difficulty in sleeping and waking up
  • thought of committing suicide

The manic phase occurs only after two or four periods after depression. The symptoms are:

  • being euphoric
  • being talkative
  • having lot of self-importance
  • having new ideas
  • feeling elated
  • getting easily distracted
  • getting irritated
  • lack of eating
  • lack of sleeping
  • Doing a number of things for pleasure.

The other common symptoms include hallucinations and delusions. Such cases are called psychosis.


Bipolar disorder can be triggered due to

  • physical abuse
  • emotional abuse
  • sexual abuse
  • break up of a relationship
  • problems in working place
  • problems with money

But certain studies have found that any change in hormonal levels controlling neurotransmitters also trigger these situations.


A combination of methods is used for treating bipolar disorder such as:

  • Mood stabilisers for preventing hypomania, mania as well depression for a long period.
  • medication for symptoms of depression or mania
  • understanding the triggers of the extremities
  • recognising the signs when an episode happens.

The mood stabilisers include drugs like lithium carbonate , Anticonvulsant medicines like carbamazepine, anti psychotic drugs such as olanzapine for sedation, tricyclic drugs, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors and Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors.

These medicines are not usually administered during pregnancy. It must be used under proper medical supervision.

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