Breast Implants

Surgery for breast implants commonly includes enlargement of breasts or changing breast shape. Women who undergo mastectomy or breast removal as a treatment also consider breast implants. It is a cosmetic procedure also known as mammoplasty or breast augmentation.

Breast implants may either made up of synthetic materials or natural tissue. Synthetic implants are made with either saline or silicone gel.

The reasons for requiring breast implants are varied. Some may be unhappy with the shape and size of breasts. Breasts may vary in size or might differ in appearance because of breastfeeding. Some women might have some irregularities in the breasts, sometimes congenital (from birth). Some may require breast implants due to having had a mastectomy (surgical removal of one or both breasts). It may also be a part of reconstructive surgery.

Breast implants are mainly performed to enhance the size of the breasts. Nevertheless, implants are also used to firm up the breasts, even the breast size on either side, or even out the shape of the breasts.

The Advantages of Breast Implant

Getting breast implants can affect a person psychologically. A woman might feel as if her breasts are inadequate or unwomanly. Breast implants will help her to improve confidence and self esteem.

It is, however, important to note that breast implants are not quick fixes and not one that can be taken for granted. It is vital that one weigh the pros and cons of breast implants before getting one.


It is vital to discuss one’s expectations with the surgeon before deciding on breast implants.

Sometimes, women have unrealistic expectations on the results of the surgery and may be disheartened with the outcome. The result of breast implants varies from one person to another and depends on individual circumstances. The results of implants depend on:
Existing breasts.
Nipple position.
Texture of the skin.
Healing ability.
Overall health.
Women are usually happy with the results of breast implants after a surgery. Informed decision and accurate expectations help make sure that one is happy with the results.

After surgery, one might be worried that the implants appear unnatural following surgery. This is quite normal and breasts may feel a little rigid or taut at first. Nevertheless, within few months, the breasts will appear natural as the breast tissue, skin, and muscle stretch to make room for these new implants. One might become less or more sensitive than they were in their breasts. These sensations are usually temporary but sometimes are permanent and are a common occurrence.

Breast Feeding – Having breast implants will not hinder one from feeding a baby, though one may produce a little less milk than not having implants. The child will not have any side effects if one has implants and wants to breast feed.

Traveling – There is no risk in traveling or flying if one has breast implants as the implant will not rupture or come under extra strain.

Breast implants do not increase the risk of breast cancer. A full recovery from breast cancer is possible if one has implants.

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