What is Cancer?

The uncontrollable growth and reproduction of cells is known as cancer. Malignant tumour is the growth of cancerous cells in a very rapid manner. Metastatis is a condition where the cancer spreads to all the body parts.

Some of the commonly found cancers are:
prostrate cancer
breast cancer
colon cancer
lung cancer
ovarian cancer
bladder cancer

the factors that can trigger cancer are:
poor diet
lack in exercise
using alcohol
long exposure to sunlight

Treatments for cancer are:


Symptoms of cancer can be categorised into:
Local symptoms which is displayed when cancer is present in only one part of the body.
Metastasis symptoms
systemic symptoms

The local symptoms are:
unusual lumps or swelling

The symptoms for metastasis are:
swelling of the glands
presence of blood while coughing
pain in the bones

The systemic symptoms are:
appetite loss
sweats in the night
loss of weight


The starting of cancer is marked an altered DNA structure, which is called genetic mutation. The mutation causes a rapid growth of the cells which results in the formation of a tissue lump, the tumour.

Cancer can occur due to:
Carcinogens that are chemicals causing gene mutation, normally found in tobacco and alcohol.
Exposure to high intensity radiation in huge amounts.
presence of highly infectious diseases like human papillomavirus
imbalance of the hormones due to menopause
conditions such as HIV that can harm the immune system
Certain cancers like ovarian cancer and breast cancer can be hereditary.
People need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and proper diet to avoid cancer.


The following tests must be undergone to diagnose cancer:
blood tests
magnetic resonance scan
computerised tomography or CT scan

The confirmation for the presence of cancer is done by performing a biopsy. Biopsy helps the doctor to find out the spread of the cancer or the extent of spreading.


Treatment of cancer is aimed at the removal of the cancerous cells. It is also done to make sure that recurrence of cancer does not occur. The main procedures that are used for treating cancer are:

Surgery is performed only if the cancer is identified in its initial stages. The affected tissues are removed completely. In certain cases like those of breast cancer or prostrate cancer, the entire organ removal is a must. Removal of the breast is termed mastectomy and removal of prostrate gland is called prostatectomy.

Chemotherapy is used for the destruction of the cancerous cells’ DNA. The drugs that are used for chemotherapy can damage healthy tissues along with the damage of cancerous tissues.

Chemotherapy gives out the following side effects:
hair loss

Radiotherapy destroys the cancerous cells by the help of radiation pulses. The side effects associated with radiotherapy are:
loss of hair
sore skin
appetite loss
loss of interest in sex

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