What is a Colposcopy?

Colposcopy is a detailed examination of the cells lining the cervix; it is done by a doctor when the smear test is abnormal.

In colposcopy the lining cells of the cervix is closely examined using a colpscope ,which is just like a magnifying glass which enables to observe any changes in the lining membrane, as some changes might lead to cancer.

Why is it done
Colposcopy is the test done after initial screening in women for cervical cancer. The screening test includes cervical smear, if the smear turns out to be abnormal then further investigation is very necessary as an abnormal cervical smear test usually indicates cancer of the uterus hence the doctor will do colposcopy.

Other indications of colposcopy are
Unexplained vaginal bleeding.
Vaginal polyps.
Genital warts.
Bacterial and Viral infections.
Any women above age of 60.
Women who had multiple abortions.

How is it performed
The procedure when done properly should not be painful. Colposcopy is done usually after a smear test and based on the results of the test doctor might decide if colposcopy is needed or not.

During Colposcopy a vaginal speculum, is introduced which will widen the vagina giving a clear view of the cervix. Then the doctor will use colposcope, which functions like a giant magnifying glass which has its own light source attached. The colposcope should not touch the body or go inside it just allows to get a good look at the cells lining the cervix.

Some health clinics will have a video system attached to colposcope which allows the patient and doctor to view the procedure.

In order to differentiate healthy cells from the unhealthy ones some dyes are used, which will make the abnormal cells to take up different colour due to its increased metabolism. If abnormal cells are found then the doctor might take a biopsy of the tissue, where a small piece of cervical tissue at the region of abnormal cells are cut and subjected for further investigation in order to decide if it is malignant or benign.

Certain instructions to be followed before the colposcopy procedure are
Avoid using tampons.
Avoid using vaginal creams, medications that is inserted into vagina.
Avoid having sex.
If the periods have begun then inform the doctor and reschedule the procedure for some other days.

Post procedure
After the procedure there might be stinging sensation due to use of dyes, this usually subsides within 24 -48 hrs if it persists then report to the doctor, some pt might even have some vaginal discharge but this is normal, however in the event of an fresh bleed doctor should be contacted.

Results of this procedure
Colposcopy result will be known immediately as the doctor will be able to access whether the cells are abnormal or not. If the tissue is taken for biopsy then the results might take 24 -72 hours.

If there is any change in the cervical cells then the biopsy results will indicate how much of the cervix is affected and is usually indicated as CIN scale 1-3

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