Coronary Angioplasty

The surgical method of opening up the narrowed or blocked coronary arteries is known as coronary angioplasty. It is a straightforward keyhole method used for treating.

Medically coronary angioplasty is termed percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.

This is used for treating angina. It may also be used as an emergency medication after a heart attack.

Coronary angioplasty is the treatment option in case the symptoms of angina persists and affects the day to day life of the person.


Angioplasty needs to be done:

  • If the chest pain persists even after using anti-angina medications.
  • The angiogram shows that there is narrowing of coronary arteries.
  • The arteries furred up even after the bypass surgery.

If angioplasty is not done, chances are

  • That angina will worsen.
  • High of heart attack.
  • Angina will recur preventing walking and climbing the stairs.
  • A coronary artery bypass may need to be done.

When must it be done

Coronary angioplasty may be done as an emergency treatment or as a planned treatment.

Certain tests need to be done to find if angioplasty can be done for a certain person. These tests are:

  • an electrocardiogram
  • blood tests
    As well as
  • coronary angiogram

The presence of a large number of arterial sections or branching arteries leads to a situation where angioplasty cannot be done. In such cases coronary artery bypass is the only viable option.

Emergency coronary angioplasty is done in cases of unstable angina or heart attack or any other severe coronary problems.


One of the possible side effects that can happen is the allergy due to the bye used for showing the coronary arteries on the X-ray.

Severe complications can occur very rarely. People suffering from severe heart diseases can have some of the serious complications given below:

  • Heart attack during his surgery.
  • Complete blocking of the arteries.
  • Stroke
  • Damage of the coronary artery by the catheter.


Care must be taken after the surgery.

The diet mentioned by the dietician needs to be maintained.
The sore present due to the insertion of catheter must be taken care of.
Consistently visit the physician for regular follow-ups to check the progress.
Do not lift heavy articles for a week after the surgery.
Do not drive any vehicle for a week.

Normally it takes one week for recovery but if the person gets heart attack after the angioplasty, one must follow the advice of the doctor about recovering.

Angioplasty may need to be done if artery gets blocked again. Otherwise, one may have to go for a coronary artery bypass.

The doctor should decide whether a PTCA (angioplasty) or coronary artery bypass graft is to be done.

PTCA is suitable in the following cases

It offers immediate, long lasting treatment.
It is safe in the short term since the risks associated with the procedure are low.
It is performed under conscious sedation of local anaesthetic.
Shorter recovery time

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