Dedicated Email Accounts Can Help Reduce Corporate Phishing

Phishing attacks increased in recent years and they are costing mid-size companies an average of $1.6 million. While this amount can be absorbed by larger companies, a hit as big as this can be a death blow for others. The question is, how do you protect your business and employees from it?

A phishing attack is often sent as an email from someone you know and the sender can even pretend to be you to extract information out of your employees or even your clients. A scammer can either add a link where users can key in their passwords and collect this information to take over their accounts for the purposes of stealing money. According to statistics provided by PhishMe, phishing scams have grown 65% in 2018 and the growth is said to be steady.

Create A New Email Account Now

To ensure that your company and its employees are protected from such an activity, it is best to create new email addresses for everyone and that those addresses should only be given to trusted contacts. The new emails can be utilised for website logins and internal communication. While adding a new set of emails translates to additional work, the protection it provides can be as high as 100% provided those emails are not made public.

Education Is Important

Education about phishing attacks is still key to stopping them from proliferating as it is more effective than any other method. A seminar on how phishing is done and how to identify it will be helpful, according to experts. While the seminar itself will cost the company, it is a good investment because it can save you from losing millions.

The new email accounts suggested above should be treated as a second layer of protection and not the only means to stop such an attack.

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