Deep vein thrombosis

DVT is a condition which happens when the blood clotting takes place in veins. The condition normally occurs in the deep leg vein and the patient can start to feel the mobility lack. But the good part about this condition is that, its one of the rare conditions to happen and by far do not affect too many people around. Almost one person among a group of 2000 may have this condition. Normally this condition happens to the people over the age of 80 and found quite less in the people aging below 40 years. The condition normally tends to develop in calves but can also happen in thighs also.


The normal symptoms of DVT are swelling, pain, tenderness and warm skin and also a little reddish color to the leg. Normally it’s seen that its just one leg which gets affected by the condition and pain can get unbearable as one bends the foot upwards. After sometime, it surfaces up when a blood clot happens in the leg and becomes self evident. Symptoms of this pulmonary embolism are breathlessness, chest pain and also a collapse which is in certain cases. In any of the given condition a doctor should be seen as early as possible.


One of the causes is immobility due to which the blood flow slows down and chances of blood clotting go up. There can a previous DVT which can come back increasing the risks and also any type of vein damage can result into DVT. People with cancer or heart disease are also at a higher risk of DVT. In some rare genetically conditions also the patient may get DVT. Pregnancy also increases chances of DVT and its been seen that from 1000 pregnant women, one catches the condition. Other normal causes are smoking, aging and also obesity.


For diagnosis the doctors would use D-dimer tests and ultrasounds. There is another test in the name of Venogram which is used when the d-dimer and the ultrasound are not able to confirm the result.


The treatment has its main aim to prevent from letting the clots bulge in size or break out or travelling from veins to lungs to avoid any fatal condition. There are medicines called as anticoagulants which are given to the patient which helps in thinning of blood.


There are lots of complications which can develop as part of DVT and prove to be fatal. In a situation, blood clot can break out and travel in bloodstream. This blood clot can even go to the heart and end up blocking the blood flow which can cause sudden death. There are also chances of patient developing long term symptoms in the calf and they are known as post-thrombotic syndrome.


There can be operations carried out to avoid the DVT risks. Also low dosage injections may be given to the affected areas. The patient can avoid smoking and also a proper diet which help prevent the disease to the maximum.

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