
It’s a name given to the virus that is spread across by the mosquitoes with their bites. The toughest part in tackling this condition is that these mosquitoes bite during the day times only. As of now, there are no vaccines available to cure this virus from spreading in the body. The only way one could take care or keep this condition at bay, is by not getting bitten. During a year, as reported by the statistics from WHO, there could be almost 50 to 100 million cases of these bites. Areas with lot of water stagnation or rainfalls are where humans are most vulnerable to these mosquito bites. As per the survey conducted South Asia, south-east Asia, pacific parts of Africa, central and South America and the Caribbean are the areas mostly affected with the condition. If the condition is left untreated, it can lead to internal as well as external bleedings from nose as well as gums. The body can go into shock known in medical term as Dengue haemorrhagic fever which could be an extremely fatal condition. To avoid dengue, it’s advisable that during rainy seasons, movement should be restricted.


The symptoms can range from feeling of flu, extremely heavy headache, high fever, bad ache in joints and rashes, vomiting and also nausea. The symptoms can vary from person to person. There are some physical reactions to watch for like, small blood spots under skin, bleeding from gums or nose, tender abdomen. Also one may notice a weaker pulse rate and also clammy skin.


Dengue has to be diagnosed as soon as possible, so on a slightest feeling the doctor should be consulted. The doctor should be able make out with the symptoms and also by asking some basic questions. To confirm the condition, the doctor may also want to do a blood test of the patient. Based on the intensity of the virus which gets spread into blood stream, doctor should be able to prescribe a medicine. If the condition is severe, the patient would need to be hospitalized for better treatment. Some people think that dengue and Malaria are same diseases, but there are lots of differences in terms of symptoms and more awareness needs to be spread across. If the symptoms of the dengue get identified, then it’s better to take immediate treatment from the nearby doctor or from hospital.


There is no cure available for this virus. The treatment can be definitely done for making sure the symptoms don’t get worse and also saving the life of patient. One should also rest as much as possible till no doctor help is available and also drink plenty of fluids with rehydration salts. It’s suggested not to take anything with aspirin, as they will thicken the blood in human body which in turn leads to internal bleeding.


All the open pits around house can be filled in so that no water can stand around providing a breeding ground to mosquitoes. House should be kept as clean as possible. Also mosquito repellents should be used as needed. A distance should be maintained from the slums or areas where water gets stagnated. The containers or places around the house which can hold water, can be emptied reducing the chances of getting bitten by mosquitoes.

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