
The protective coating present on the skin which forms the lining of the ear canal is known as earwax. It is composed of various materials like;

The dead and flattened cells that are present in the skin’s outer layer
The wax-like material which the sweat glands produce
Other materials like dirt and cosmetics

The functions of earwax include the cleaning, lubrication as well as protection of the ear’s lining by the trapping of the dirt and repelling of water. Because of its acidic nature, earwax has some properties of antibacterial substances. The lack of earwax can leave the skin cracked, infected or dry or even sore and waterlogged.

But excess amount of earwax is also harmful. So they must be regularly cleaned to keep the ear clean.


The ceruminous gland of the ear canal produces the earwax, which acts a protection for the ear from the dirt and miniature objects form coming into contact with the ears.

In certain cases, earwax tends to be present in more than the usual amount. In such cases, they normally fall out as flakes. But at times, they build up to a hard form causing the blockage. This is known as a plug.

Plug cause discomfort and a decrease in the hearing capacity. Once the plug is removed, the person will get relief for the discomfort as well as can hear properly.

The presence of earwax plugs can give rise to the following symptoms:

  • discomfort of the ear
  • ear ache
  • tinnitus
  • itching
  • vertigo
  • cough due to the pressure exerted by the earwax plug on the ear nerve.


One will develop earwax plug if:

  • the person has deformed or marrow ear canals
  • the person has excess hair in his ear canals
  • there are benign bony growths on the outer area of the ear canal
  • the peri-auricular area or the scalp has some dermatological problems
  • if the wax formed is hard
  • the person is very elder, where the wax is normally dry
  • the person has a history of recurring earwax plugs
  • the person has some learning disorders
  • the person is using a hearing aid


In normal conditions, one need not remove the earwax as it falls off by itself. But if a person feels his entire ear has been blocked or he experiences any of the symptoms given below, a doctor must be consulted:

  • earache
  • loss of hearing
  • tinnitus
  • vertigo
  • cough

Ear drops may be used for softening the plug that has been formed. Ear drops must be used for three to five days twice or thrice daily to soften the wax causing its fall off.

But in cases where ear drops fail to be effective, the person may be advised to undergo ear irrigation. The normal way of performing irrigation is using pressurised water flow into the ears, to remove the earwax plug. But nowadays, electronic irrigator for the ears is used.

Other methods which can be used for the treatment of earwax are:

  • microsuction
  • using aural toilet
  • and
  • ear candling

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