
The swelling of brain tissues is known as encephalitis. This takes place due to viral infection or auto immune disease. Encephalitis causes permanent brain damage to people suffering from this disease. The degree of injury caused varies from person to person. Most viral infections do not lead to encephalitis. In extreme cases only the virus directly attacks the brain causing inflammation of the tissues. Sometimes a direct attack of virus can cause meningitis. Here the lining of brain is infected. Encephalitis causes more serious problem than meningitis. Anyone can suffer from this disease but it is a rare disease. It causes serious problem to the brain and nervous system. In some cases the viruses damage the central nervous system. Some types of encephalitis show no symptoms and are very mild while others can be very serious and fatal. One can be directly infected from this disease or through insect or animal bite or even food. The major cause of this disease is viruses but reaction of body immune system may also lead to encephalitis.

Symptoms of encephalitis

The signs and symptoms may take a few hours or few days to develop for a person infected with encephalitis. It may affect any brain function. The most common symptoms for encephalitis are as follows:
-Excessive headache
-Loss of memory
-Difficulty in speaking and controlling body movements
-Behaviour that is out of character
Sleepiness that may lead to coma

People suffering from this disease get fully cured but in some cases they are left with brain injury. Some extreme cases may advance and become critical.


Viruses that cause encephalitis are
-Rubella (german measles)
Rubella (measles)
-herpes simplex (the cold score virus)
-Varicella (chicken pox)

The most common types of encephalitis are
-Japanese encephalitis
-Tick Borne encephalitis
-California encephalitis
-Colorado tick fever.
-Western equine encephalitis
-Eastern equine encephalitis
-St.Louis encephalitis

The disease sometimes is caused by fungal, parasitic or bacterial infection. Some other causes are whooping cough, rabies, allergic reaction to a vaccination etc.It is very difficult to find out the cause of infection in about 50% of the cases.


A person infected with encephalitis can be completely cured if treated before he slips to the coma. Acyclovir is an antiviral drug that is used for treatment of encephalitis that is caused by herpes-simplex virus. This drug has very few side effects so it is given immediately .This drug is injected in the vein and an early treatment reduces complications .This drug is not effective if encephalitis is caused by any other virus.A person seriously infected with this disease is put in ICU for the person needs to be monitored for treatment of swellings developed in the brain. The patient is also treated with Corticosteroids to decrease the swellings and antibiotics are used for treatment of bacterial infection.


People suffering from encephalitis fully recover from the disease but in some cases are left with permanent brain damage. Some complications that develop are as follows:
-Weakness in some parts of the body
-Difficulty in controlling movement
-Slurred Speech
-Severe and prolonged headache
-Loss of sensitivity in senses

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