
Dogs need vegetables in their diets as well as meat. In addition, some dogs also enjoy fruits. If you serve a dog fruits and vegetables they should be chopped up, as whole fruits and vegetables may be difficult for them to digest.

Dog should be fed twice daily a serving that is 2 to 3% of their body weight. Mature dogs should eat 50% meat and 50% vegetables. Puppies should get a high ration of meat. Portions should be adjusted so that the dog eats as much as it needs without leaving any in the bowl. Feeding your dog only once a day may cause irritation of the oesophagus from stomach acid, smaller more frequent meals are better for the dog. It is important to remember that poor feeding practices may cause illnesses.

Not all dog food contains quality ingredients. If you use commercial dog food to feed a dog you should pay close attention to labels and make informed decisions on feeding the right dog food to the dog. Many nutrients are lost in the process of manufacturing dog food. Each type of dog requires different nutrients for their fur. Low quality ingredients, excessive chemical additives, and poor labelling standards may result in illnesses from skin allergies to cancer.

You may find it best to feed a dog food that is prepared by you; this increases the possibility of the dog getting all the nutrients they need. If you must feed a dog commercial food it is recommended that you change brands and flavours every three to four months. The change should be made gradually by mixing the old and new brand so the dog has a chance to get used to the new brand of food ( HYPERLINK “http://www.5stardog.com/dog-food.asp” http://www.5stardog.com/dog-food.asp).

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