Haemorrhoids – Treatment

Haemorrhoids are known commonly as piles. They occur due to swelling of the blood vessels in and around the anus and rectum. This swelling is caused by increased pressure on the blood vessels due to strained passing of stools. This is not a serious condition, and it is curable. This condition causes itching and discomfort and bleeding some times. The developed stage of this condition causes severe pain.

Can haemorrhoids be treated easily

In many cases, the symptoms of haemorrhoids subside without having to treat them. Some changes in lifestyle can also reduce the severity and give relief. However, itching and discomfort can be treated if they are intolerable.

Persistent constipation is one of the main causes of haemorrhoids. Constipation occurs when the food does not contain fibre contents and when the food is not soft. Therefore, dietary changes may help passing stools without much strain. Drinking water in large quantum can also help passing the stools with ease.

Are there self-help methods for treatment

If the haemorrhoids are very painful, sit in a bath of warm water to get a soothing effect and to reduce the itching in the anus. You can cold compress the anus with an ice pack for thirty minutes to get rid of the pain. You can use moist toilet paper for cleaning, after passing a stool. You can use baby wipes also for this purpose.

What are the topical medicines used for treating this

Creams are available to treat inflammation outside the anus opening. Anaesthetic products are very effective. You should not use it for more than a week. Prolonged use may cause irritation to the sensitive skin surrounding the anus portion. However, your physician can prescribe creams to treat this irritation. Steroidal creams treat inflammation and swelling around the anus. You should avoid prolonged use of these creams. It is advisable to consult the pharmacist when you get it.

What is banding

Banding is a common treatment. Doctors use tight elastic bands to prevent blood supply to the haemorrhoids. The haemorrhoids fall off with a week of this treatment. This is a treatment for grade two or three of haemorrhoids. This treatment may cause a little discomfort or pain for a day, which can be relieved with painkillers. The haemorrhoids may come out with bowel movement, and hence, you may not be aware of this. If there is a discharge of mucus, it is due to the detached tissues. Some bleeding can also occur. However, if you bleed a lot, you have to consult your physician immediately.

What are the other treatments for haemorrhoids

Sclerotherapy is a common treatment, which involves injecting a chemical solution around the anus. This causes numbness in the injected area. The haemorrhoid tissues become hard. In a maximum span of six weeks, the size of haemorrhoid decreases and finally vanishes. This treatment is an alternative to banding. Normal activities are permitted after injection, but not severe exercises. A little pain and some bleeding may occur after this treatment.

Infrared is used to treat haemorrhoids. It burns the haemorrhoid tissues. It treats well the grade one or two haemorrhoids.

For treating grade four haemorrhoids, surgical treatment may be necessary.

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