Health Research – Clinical Trials

Patients most often voluntarily take part in clinical trials. The clinical trials are the origin of health research. Test treatments are carried out on these patients to find out preventive methods and to improve diagnosis. The trials also show if these methods are safe and effective the same time. A new treatment may be much assuring when tests are conducted in laboratories, but to know if they comply with stringent standards, clinical tests become necessary. Now-a-days lot of opportunities are available for people to take part in clinical trials. Due to this, in England the NHS now has the highest number of clinical trials.

How health research becomes an important one

Health research enables better understanding of the diseases, the treatments and the means of curing. It reinforces the strategy used in fighting illness. The core area of health research represents patients. The clinical trials pave the way to new findings and best practices. Besides dealing with treatments, health research helps developing preventive methods, so that people who are educated on this can have lengthy life without botheration of illness.

How to participate in clinical trials

If you are undergoing treatment in the NHS, you may be approached for a clinical trial. You can also enquire them and get necessary information. Your doctor or clinician may throw light on the formalities to take part in clinical trials.

Internet links such as Clinical Trials and Understanding Clinical Trials are available for clearing your queries and getting general information on clinical trials.

The Clinical research networks are available in England for effective of co-ordination of clinical trials related to major illness such as cancer, strokes etc. The Comprehensive Clinical Research Network enables participation of health professionals and patients in it. The Primary Care Research Network motivates people for clinical trials with a large spectrum of medical professionals.

Through the website Current Controlled Trials, the users can share information after registering themselves. This website provides access to the UK Clinical Trials Gateway, which depicts the clinical trials on various topics.

How far the clinical trials are safe

Clinical trials have a promising record of safety. The people acquire updated knowledge on the developments of the medical field. In the United Kingdom, participation in clinical trials goes up to several thousands every year. In the year 2006, six volunteers had dangerous response to an agent known as TGN1412. This issue attracted the media largely. The reason was that this phenomenon was an abnormal one.

New treatments involve certain procedures. These procedures have undergone several changes to assure a high degree of safety to patients on whom clinical trials are conducted. Especially, if the new treatment interferes with the immune system, the procedures are amended to have a promising safety of the future patients.

What are the ethics of health research

The common people are much concerned about the benefits and harms arising out of health researches. To protect the interests of the patients who form part of the research, the National Research Ethics Service makes sure that a system for countrywide ethical review works properly. It sets up ethics committees nationwide that work for protecting the safety and ensuring the wellbeing of the people participating in clinical trials.

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