Heat Exhaustion II

Diagnosis of Heat exhaustion and heatstroke

If the patient has a body temperature of more than 39.5C, he or she is said to be suffering from Heatstroke and if the individual’s temperature is above 41C then the condition of the person is said to be quite critical.

The doctor in his first examination is given a brief by the patient about the following:
If there was any exposure to high temperatures
If there is any history of existing medical conditions
Whether the person has taken part in any physical activities.
And if there have been attempts to cool the temperature down by oneself or others.

The doctor uses x – rays, blood tests and scans to determine the extent of damage of the heatstroke caused to the patient. He examines and monitors the patients pulse, temperatures and also examines for any ongoing symptoms of heatstroke or occurrence of abnormal behaviours like hallucinations and irrational behaviours.

Treatment of Heat exhaustion and Heatstroke

Heat can be treated through specific medicines and also through self regulatory measures
The different ways of treating a patient of heatstroke are-

Taking a shower to cool down the bodily temperatures
Covering of the body with damp towels or sheets
Move quickly to a cooler place
Professional medical help
The ventilation of the area should be increased
In cases of unconsciousness or vomiting, the patient must be placed on their sides, thus making sure their airways are clear.
Massage the skin gently
Give the patient water to drink and avoid the intake of medicines like paracetamols
Professional help in the hospital will regulate the patient’s temperature through medicines and an oxygen mask will be given. Intravenous drips are also given through a drip (injections) to the patient.

Complications of Heat exhaustion and Heatstroke

Some of the complications caused due to Heatstroke are drop in fluid and salt levels-dehydration, drop in sugar levels also known as hypoglycemia, brain damage and failure of organs like the liver, kidney and heart

Preventive measures to be taken in the cases of Heat exhaustion and Heat stroke

In circumstances of a heat wave, one should always avoid physical strenuous activities. Activities like sports, gardening, cycling, etc that involve working in the outside hot temperatures must be avoided. If going outside is unavoidable then staying more under in shady areas and carrying plenty of fluids along with himself is very important.

Consumption of alcohol, coffee, cola and caffeine fluids must be completely avoided. Intake of plenty of other fluids like water, energy drinks and solutions available at a medicine store must be taken regularly.

Apply a sunscreen with a protection factor of SPF 15 and above.
Take regular showers or dips in swimming pools to cool down the body temperature. In very hot temperatures, stay indoors and avoid exposing oneself to the even through windows and doors. Draw the curtains and remain in cooler parts of the house.

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