Herpes Simplex Virus -2

If one has had cold sores’ outbreaks earlier, they can easily detect the symptoms of recurrence of the infection. However, in case of primary infections and of cold sores not healing even after 10 days, one must seek medical help. The GP might test a blood sample or fluid sample from the sore to ascertain the presence of the virus. This is necessary for people with immuno-deficiencies like HIV positive people or those taking chemotherapy.
Mild cases of cold sores heal without any treatment within 10 days. In severe cases, treatment is required and risks of complications do arise in people with immune system related problems like HIV or those taking chemotherapy. The complications include
Dehydration – lack of fluids in the body can arise due to loss of appetite attributed to pain in mouth and throat. Children are at a higher risk of getting dehydrated.
Herpetic whitlow – this is a secondary infection of cold sores which causes aching blisters and sores on the fingers. It occurs when the cold sore virus comes in contact with a scratch or cut on the hand and penetrated the skin. Antiviral creams can help in treating this infection.
Herpetic keratoconjunctivitis – this is also a secondary infection of the herpes simplex virus, which affects the eyes causing inflammation and irritation in the eyes and sores on the eyelid. One needs to take advise from a specialist to treat this condition. Do not touch eyes when sores are active. If needed, one must wash hands properly before and after touching the infected eye. If the condition is left untreated, it can infect the cornea and lead to blindness.
Encephalitis – severe cases of cold sore virus can cause swelling of the brain or encephalitis which leads to brain damage and even death. It can be treated by injecting antiviral medication like aciclovirs intravenous.

Primary infections of herpes simplex virus cannot be prevented completely, however, measures can be taken to contain the spread of infection and its recurrence.
Cold sores are most infectious when they rupture and it is imperative to avoid direct or close contact with infected region till the infection subsides or heals completely.
Preventive measures include:
Wash hands before and after applying the antiviral cream to the affected areas
Avoid touching the sores, except when applying creams
Avoid sharing medication and creams, and items like lipsticks and cutlery which comes in direct contact with the infected area.
Avoid kissing and having oral sex while you have the infection
If one has contracted the infection, it is better to stay away from newborns, expecting mothers and people with poor immune system such as HIV positive people or those undergoing chemotherapy.
Prevention of recurrent cold sores infection is possible by identifying the triggering factors and trying to keep away from these triggers. For example, cold sores occurring due to direct sun exposure can be prevented by use of lip balms with spf15 or higher. Use of antiviral creams, like Zovirax, at the first signs of cold sore virus infection such as a tingling sensation, helps to heal the sores quickly.

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