High Protein Diet

Often confused with low-carb diets popularized by Atkins, high protein diets are endorsed by bodybuilders as a way to increase muscles while losing fat. Current research indicates that people tend to lose weight more efficiently and keep it off on diets where protein is used to satisfy hunger pains, rather than carbohydrates or fats. This type of diet regimen, when combined with exercise, has been proven successful at helping many people lose weight and improve their lipid levels. Participants in these diets also report increased feelings of fullness and satisfaction while on the diet.
A typical lunch on this type of diet might consist of some soya/linseed bread, a serving of low fat ham, a serving of lean roast beef, and some sliced turkey breast. Participants are allowed a slice of tomato or a bit of lettuce on their sandwiches. Vegetable and fruit consumption is quite moderate, with a cup of vegetables often allowed at dinner. High protein diet participants also drink protein shakes and eat protein bars for snacks.
Nutritionists stop short of fully endorsing these types of diet plans or making recommendations for increasing protein in the average person’s diet, but they do see some hope for the future in these types of diets. They also feel that they are generally quite safe for adults, and are unlikely to do any type of harm when used on a short-term basis to lose some weight and gain muscle. They do caution that staying on these types of diets for longer periods can cause dieters to miss out on nutrients found in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

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