How to Make Bath Time Fun for Toddlers

Do you have problems convincing your child to take a bath, A mother should know that her child’s fear of taking a bath is normal and a part of growing up. It only becomes irrational or abnormal if the mother does not help the child overcome the fear, which could result to a phobia called ablutophobia (fear of bathing or washing).

Eliminating the child’s fear of bathing is a common problem for all mothers; however, there are several effective ways to encourage your child to take a bath and enjoy bath time. First, buy your child bath toys such as bath finger paints, bubbles, washcloth puppets, and colouring agents to encourage the child to take a bath. Set a regular bath time routine and let your child play with bath toys or allow the child give a bath to a favourite toy. Let your child play in an empty bathtub to get used to the area. Never allow your child to see you filling the bathtub with water or draining the water out of it. When you take a bath, let your child go inside the bathroom and ask the child to rinse you off by pouring the water on your head. You could also take a bath with your child. You can also take your child to a department store to buy new bath toys.

Another helpful suggestion for mothers is to create a special activity for your child after taking a bath, such as reading books or watching a favourite TV show.

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