How to Write Creative Non-Fiction

Writing creative non-fiction is simply done by narrating and arranging the events of the story with correct choices of words. It should include a general theme, a proper sequence of the events, names of characters and narrators, and complete details of the story. However, before you write a non-fictional story, you must know and follow these simple guidelines.

You can write about interesting people or a common problem in society. Once you have chosen a topic to write about, you have to undertake systematic and intensive research to gather all the accurate information relevant to your story. You have to develop good relationships with people who are your subjects so that you can clearly describe their feelings, attitudes, and thoughts, as well as develop a sense of trust with them. In the course of your writing, do not create, change, or alter information that is based on facts. Stick to the truth and accuracy of your subjects’ information. Also, avoid writing about complicated side issues that will only confuse your readers.

Arrange the events in your article in a creative, clear, and logical manner. Use interesting words and descriptive phrases such as imagery, humour, and rhythm to clearly depict your subject. You can also use a quotation or a striking phrase to start your story. Show the importance and the relevance of your article to your readers so that they will be inspired to read it. Make sure that your article will earn excellent remarks from your readers.

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