
Infertility is a condition in which a couple do not succeed to conceive even though they are undergoing indulging in unprotected sex. The condition is usually detected only when the couple fail to produce off springs even after attempting for quite a lot of time. It is termed as primary and secondary infertility. Primary infertility is a state in which the woman has never conceived before, whereas the secondary infertility is said to be present when she has one or more children but fails to conceive again.



Ovulation disorders:

Problems associated with the ovulation process are the major cause for infertility. This includes problems associated with the formation of ovum, their development, their release, their travel etc. Few are listed below:

Premature ovarian failure – a condition in which ovaries are non functional even before 40 years.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) – a condition that troubles the egg production by the ovaries.

Thyroid problems – both hyper activity and hypo activity of the thyroid gland accounts for this.

Chronic conditions – a serious condition like cancer or AIDS can inhibit the egg formation.

Womb and fallopian tubes:

This structure is the channel through which an egg produced in the ovary is transported into the uterus. Any damage to the tubes results in inability to conceive. The following factors may be responsible.

Pelvic surgery – at times it may damage or even result in scarring of fallopian tubes

Cervical surgery – this may at times reduce the extent of cervical neck

Sub mucosal fibroids – formation of tumours on the inner wall may alter the structure.

Endometriosis – this reduces the functioning of fimbria.

Previous sterilisation – once this procedure is conducted to prevent further pregnancy, there are only minimal recovery chances .

Medicines and drugs:

The ill effects of certain drugs and treatments can make one infertile. This includes Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), chemotherapy and Illegal drugs.


The age factor is very much important in determining the fertility. As age progresses the likelihood to conceive decreases.


The most important cause is the abnormality with semen. This can be due to decreased sperm count, decreased movement of sperm and abnormalities with sperm.

Damage to the testicles can actually lead to abnormalities associated with the sperm. It may be due to an inflammatory condition of testicles, cancer affecting testicles and surgeries involving testicles.

Ejaculation disorders:

Few men suffer from disorders associated with ejaculation. A condition called retrograde ejaculation is featured with ejaculation into the bladder.


Certain drugs such as sulfasalazine, anabolic steroids, and chemotherapy medication have a direct influence upon the sperm count.

Common conditions for both sexes:

Occupational and environmental factors
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs).


Infertility treatment comprises of the following modalities:

Medicines that facilitates fertility: Clomifene, Merformin and Gonadotrophins are the commonly used drugs.

Surgical measures – surgeries involving fallopian tube and laparoscopic surgeries are the widely used surgical measures

Assisted conception – This method involves techniques like Intrauterine insemination (IUI), In vitro fertilisation (IVF), Blastocyst transfer, Assisted hatching.

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