Is it Love,

The first time you fall in love may be a very confusing time. One of the biggest questions you may ask yourself is whether you are really in love. The problem is that the only person who can really answer that question is you. You can be guided to find a healthy type of love; however, you are the only one who really knows what it is. Use some of the points below to help you decide.

Are either of you experiencing jealousy, While this may seem like a very romantic trait, it is really a sign of darker problems to come. Those who love you do not want to possess you. What they want is to see you happy and confident. If you love someone, there is no reason to be jealous. After all, if you truly love someone, you want him or her to be happy and if they are not happy with you, then maybe it is time to give them the freedom to move on anyhow.

Are you able to converse about your dreams together, Are you moving in the same direction or is one person’s goals more important than the other’s, A loving relationship means equality and encouragement. It is not based on dominance and belittling. There is no one person more important than any other person.

The thing is, if you are in love you probably do not need to ask the question to begin with because you are full of the emotion and secure enough in yourself to recognize it for what it is.

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