Joel Fuhrman Diet (also commonly known as the Eat to Live Diet)

Joel Furhman is an American family physician and former figure skater who is an advocate of a plant-based diet high in raw fruit and vegetable consumption. He claims that his Eat to Live programme can help prevent cancer and other diseases. He has written several books about his views on diet and nutrition, including one called ‘Disease-proof Your Child’ in which he links American children’s typical diet to the later development of many adult cancers.
Dr. Fuhrman’s diet plan doesn’t completely eliminate animal products, but it does restrict them to fewer than 10% of one’s entire dietary intake. He urges people to consume a diet high in fruits, legumes, raw seeds and nuts, and raw and cooked fruits and vegetables. Oils, sugars, salts, and refined grains are eliminated from his diet plan and he is adamant that humans should reduce their consumption of junk foods and those filled with artificial chemicals. .
Unlike some other diet plans which emphasize calorie control, Dr. Fuhrman’s diet plan actually allows for unfettered consumption of food in the approved groups. Due to the high fibre content, Dr. Fuhrman is sure that the dieter will become full before they can gain excessive calories and weight from plant foods. Dieters are encouraged to eat as much as one pound of steamed vegetables and one pound of raw vegetables each day.
While quite strict, this plan is supported by an array of evidence which seems to indicate that a plant-based model such as this one can offer many benefits towards improving cholesterol levels and avoiding heart disease.

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