
The inflammation of the labyrinth, which is the part of the inner ear controlling the balance and hearing, is known as labyrinthitis.

Labyrinthitis occurs as a result of viral infections, but rarely bacteria can also cause this condition to develop. It normally disappears after few weeks as it is very mild. But in certain cases, it can cause damage to balancing as well as hearing. It can be found in people of all age groups. But children rarely develop this condition.


Labyrinthitis is characterized by the presence of various symptoms. Those are:

Vertigo or the moving or spinning feeling when a person is still
Losing balance towards the side that is affected.
A general feeling of sickness
Nystagmus where the eyes flicker in an uncontrollable fashion.
Tinnitus where a person can experience ringing in his or her ears as well as


In majority of the cases, labyrinthitis occur due to viral infection. The viruses which cause mumps, flu or common cold are the ones which are mainly responsible for this condition of labyrinthitis. The inflammation can be due to the virus itself or due to the response of the body towards the virus.

Even though the infection of labyrinth by bacteria is very rare, those infections are more severe than the viral infections. The bacteria enter the labyrinth if the membranes separating inner ear and middle ear have been broken. This occurs if the person suffering from labyrinthitis has suffered from ear diseases like otitis media or any infections of the lining of the brain like meningitis.

Any injury associated with the head or ear can also provides a passage for the entry of bacteria.


The diagnosis of labyrinthitis is done by:

Replicating the vertigo or dizziness by changing the position of the body very rapidly.
Using tests for hearing as well as
Using tests for eyes to check the presence of nystagmus.

A person may be asked to undergo a CT scan or a MRI scan fro ruling out the chances of hemorrhage or tumor.


In case of viral labyrinthitis, drugs are advised to reduce the symptoms like

Vestibular suppressants for dizziness control as well as
Antiemetics for controlling sickness.

The medications are normally given as injections as oral medication can lead to increase in vomiting.

Intake of water in small, frequent quantities is advised to avoid dehydration as well as preventing stomach upsets.

To prevent vertigo as well as dizziness, one can lie down. This will help in avoiding injuries.

The other things which can be done to reduce vertigo and dizziness are:

Lie sideways in a comfortable position.
Do not use alcohol, chocolate as well as coffee.
Avoid smoking
Avoid very bright lights.
Try to be away from the stress and noise.

If the person is suffering from labyrinthitis which occurs as a result of bacterial infection, then antibiotics will be administered.

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