Managing Anger

The angry feelings which affects the work, health, personal relationships or social behaviour of a person is managed by a form of counselling known as anger management.

Anger is expressed by all the human beings in form or the other like distaste, irritation or displeasure.

Anger can be a healthy and normal reaction of frustration, being threatened or criticised. Such situations where people either respond angrily or get scared is known as “flight or fight” response. It may be a secondary reaction due to feeling lonely, sad or being scared.
Some common triggers of people getting angry include:

  • Sexual frustration
  • Tiredness, pain and hunger
  • Losing your loved ones
  • Premenstrual syndrome and other conditions.
  • Physical withdrawal because of medication

Improperly managed anger can result in

  • Swearing.
  • Sarcastic comments
  • Name calling.
  • Bullying.
  • Physical violence

Some people display anger by hurt oneself. If anger is not controlled it may lead to heated arguments.


Unresolved or uncontrolled anger can lead to the following:

  • headaches,
  • back ache,
  • high blood pressure,
  • insomnia,
  • skin ailmnets,
  • digestive disorders
  • heart attack, or
  • stroke.

If the feeling of frustration and anger are hidden or buried it can lead to;

  • anxiety,
  • low self esteem,
  • depression,
  • eating disorders,
  • self injury
  • alcohol abuse
  • drug abuse

Helping oneself

Exercise – Any physical activity such as running or playing a sport helps in the reduction of anger, by relaxing and calming your mind.
Diaphragmatic breathing.
Listening to music like classical music will help in the relaxation of our body. Music slows down the rate of heart beat and pulse. It also lowers the blood pressure level and reduces the hormones related to emotional stress.
A massage done in the proper manner relaxes the human muscles due to its kneading and stroking movements all over the body.
A warm bath can help in the relaxation of our body as well our mind. Closing the eyes and letting the warm water flow through the body helps in soothing away the tensed aching muscles. This improves the blood circulation which in turn soothes and calm the mind.
Attend relaxation classes will help to reduce the stress level to a great extent.
Practising yoga and meditation help the humans to gain control over the mind. It not only reduces the anger, but also helps in preventing us to get angry.

Getting help

Talking treatments like counselling help to find out the causes of anger and resolve them.
Cognitive behaviour therapy helps to find unwanted thoughts and change them into positive aspects by rethinking the situation.
Anger management programme which involves working with small groups as well as one to one counselling. It happens for one day or over a period of time, say one to three weeks.
Domestic violence programme lasting up to eighteen months, if one is not able to control the temper as well as he or she is violent to her family members.

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