McDougall Diet

A vegan diet plan created by American physician and author John McDougall, the McDougall diet purports to help adherents lose weight and improve their health. According to McDougall, “The McDougall diet consists of the foods that most people who have walked this earth have consumed–those foods are starches, vegetables and fruits. The result is effortless, permanent, weight loss and excellent health”.
No fats are added to McDougall’s plan, and entrees consist of whole grains, beans and starchy vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are added to these core meals, to add extra fibre and increase participants’ feelings of fullness and satisfaction. McDougall feels that the obesity epidemic in modern society is due to the fact people today eat an abundance of rich foods, and far too many animal products.
By simplifying the diet and eliminating fats and animal products, McDougall theorizes that people will be more fit and healthy. McDougall also emphasizes the importance of moderate exercise, clean air, ample sunshine, and pleasant surroundings towards helping participants improve their health on his diet regime.
Testimonials from many people who have been helped by McDougall abound. Some Multiple Sclerosis patients have reported decreased or vanishing symptoms when they follow the basics of McDougall’s diet plan. While the McDougall plan is a healthy, balanced plan, many participants do find it difficult to stick with it on a long-term basis.
Dieters who are used to consuming meat, milk and dairy might find the switch to a vegan plan quite daunting initially. This diet plan can be a good option for people who wish to improve their health and who are willing to make a diet and lifestyle overhaul.

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