
Mesotherapy is a non-surgical procedure that has been used as both a treatment for stubborn fat deposits as well as cellulite. The procedure consists of a series of injections into subcutaneous fatty deposits. The injections are a combination of pharmaceutical and homeopathic ingredients which allegedly cause the fat to deteriorate and essentially disappear.

There’s a lot of scepticism involving mesotherapy. There are a number of people who truly believe in its effectiveness and intrinsic value; whereas others deny that it has any effect at all. There have even been clinical studies that denounce mesotherapy’s credibility as far as positive results. You are encouraged not to just read one article on the subject, but to fully research the procedure yourself. After you have done so, YOU can decide whether or not you find it credible or not, and once a verdict is reached, then you can commit or not.

If you do decide to get mesotherapy, you can rest assured that in most well-developed countries, such as the U.S. and the U.K., the process has little to no side effects what-so-ever, and the risks are minimal as well. Side effects of mesotherapy are similar to the steroid shot some people get once a year to alleviate allergy symptoms. For those with a low threshold of pain, local anaesthesia may be used, but most say that the injection causes only slight discomfort. In some patients, a mild burning sensation has been reported when the injection begins to “melt” the fat away, but the sensation diminishes quickly. The only actual side effects are very slight swelling and some bruising, both of which can be dealt with topically.

The risks for mesotherapy are practically nonexistent. Unless you decide to go to Brazil or an under-developed country and get your injections in a bathroom or beauty salon, you have nothing to worry about. The only reported risks have been due to unsanitary conditions which resulted in skin infections. So whether it works or not, and as always, diet and exercise are preferable, the risks and side effects are minimal, so if you do try the treatment, chances are you won’t die from it. Nobody has yet, anyway.

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