Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aurerus (MRSA)

SA also called as Staphylococcus aurerus is a special type of bacterium found on the surface of the skin or in the nose and data shows that one in every three persons carries the bacteria but it does not develop into an infection. This bacteria belongs to the Staphylococcus aurerus family. It causes infection only when it enters the body through a damaged surface of the skin, resulting in various kinds of infection like it causes abscesses, boils or impetigo infections and can cause further serious infection if it enters the blood stream. Normally infections caused by SA are treated through the use of antibiotics most common being methicillin which is a form of penicillin, however SA is increasingly becoming resistant to methicillin including some other antibiotics which are commonly used. Such bacteria that have developed resistant to methicillin and other common antibiotics have been categorized as MRSA.
MRSA infections being resistant to antibiotics are more difficult to treat and may require a longer period with a much higher dosage for treatment. Alternatively they can also be treated with those types of antibiotic where the bacteria has not developed the resistance to those medicines.
Symptoms develop only when the SA (Staphylococcus aurerus) bacteria enters the body which are generally related to skin infection, therefore keeping a watch on minor skin problems like cuts, spots or burns should be done and if they get infected, doctor should be consulted. Some of the skin infection caused by SA include :-
When hair follicles get filled with pus infection which is also called as Boils
When pus gets collected under the skin in pockets which is also called as Abscesses
Eyelid glands getting infected which is also called as styes
Larger than abscess infection with several skin openings also called as Carbuncles
Skin infection including infection of the fat and the tissues immediately under the skin also called as Cellulitis
Pus filled blisters in the skin called Impetigo
When SA bacteria is able to penetrate into the blood stream, then it can cause infection to any body part which include :-
Blood poisoning or Septicaemia
Fall in blood pressure due to widespread infection in the blood and organ failure also known as septic shock
Septic arthritis or severe problems of the joint
Osteomyelitis or infection of the bone marrow
Abscesses inside the body
Meningitis in which tissues around the spinal cord or the brain get inflammation
Pneumonia or lung infection
Endocarditis or heart lining getting infected

Blood test or urine test can diagnose MRSA. A sample of the infected tissue can also be taken for finding MRSA bacteria presence. If the bacteria are found in the test, then further test will be conducted to find the antibiotic to be used for treatment which is not resistant for the bacteria.

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