Mouth Ulcer-Part I

Clearly defined oval or round sores formed in the mouth are known as mouth ulcers. It is a very common disease which most people experience at least once in their lifetime and is more common in women than in men below the age of 40 years. Mouth ulcer does not pass by sharing cutlery, glass or by kissing. Normally mouth ulcers are occasional, but in some cases they can frequently recur which account for 20% of the total cases of mouth ulcer. Mouth ulcers are broadly divided into three categories which are as follows
Minor ulcers which account for almost 80% of the total mouth ulcers are the most common types. Their size is relatively small and range between 2mm to 8mm in diameter. They generally do not require any treatment and heal within 10 to 14 days on their own and also do not leave any scare.
Major ulcers on the other hand are large and deep with irregular and raised border. The size of the major ulcer is generally 1cm or more than 1cm in diameter. It may take several weeks for healing and may leave a scare. Major mouth ulcers form 10% of the total mouth ulcer cases.
Herpetiform ulcers are clusters of multiple sores with each sore being the size of a pinhead and they generally fuse together forming irregular and large shapes. They are very painful and account for 5 to 10% of the total mouth ulcers.
Normally mouth ulcers can be known just from their appearances, they are normally oval or round in shape with inflammation around edges and normally are white, grey or yellow in colour. They occur usually inside the lips or the cheeks or under the tongue or on the floor of the mouth. They can also cause discomfort or pain while drinking, eating or brushing.
Normally they should heal in 10 to 14 days, but in cases where it is more severe, it may take several weeks. But if it progressively gets more inflamed and painful, then it is important to consult your doctor. Also if it does not heal in three weeks or appear on other parts of the body, like genitals, then also one should consult the doctor.
Ulcers in itself are not any reason for illness, but are indicators of some underlying conditions and they rarely lead to any complication and can only lead to bacterial infection which if it spreads would require antibiotic treatment.

Do not become run down and by managing stress along with regular exercises and a balanced diet will certainly help prevent mouth ulcers. Also do not damage the inner mouth. A soft toothbrush and softer chewable food will help prevent damage of the inner part of the mouth for people who have high risk of recurrent ulcer. Regular dental visits and good oral health will definitely go a long way in the prevention of mouth ulcer.

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