Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammaory Drugs

The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are those medicines which are used for the treatment of numerous conditions. Some of these drugs are available as over-the-counter drugs, but certain others require the prescription of the doctor.

NSAIDs can be used for treating the following symptoms and conditions:

  • fever
  • pain due to sprain or strain in the muscle
  • pain due to migraine
  • pain during menstrual cycle
  • Conditions of inflammations such as rheumatic arthritis.

NSAIDs can be administered as oral tables or capsules or even in the liquid form. They can also be administered as suppositories or injections.

The topical NSAIDs such as creams, gels and eye drops can be used directly on the area affected.


One might be very careful while using anti-inflammatory drugs as there are very high chances of one developing side effects.

The gastrointestinal tract may be affected by the usage of NSAIDs. NSAIDs can result in indigestion as well as stomach ulcers.

Following things must be taken into consideration while using NSAIDs:

  • If a person has the history with gastrointestinal problems
  • if a person is 65 years or over
  • Using some other drugs along with NSAIDs.
  • If a person has conditions like hypertension, cardiovascular problems or diabetes.
  • Using NSAIDs in high doses
  • Usage of NSAIDs for a very long period of time
  • Intake of alcohol in excess amounts.
  • Heavy smoking

There are chances of people developing kidney problems and cardiovascular problems if

  • they do not have normal functioning heart or kidney
  • they are 65years and above
  • if they have hypertension

Intake of anti-inflammatory drugs during

The first or second trimester of pregnancy does not pose much risk for the baby.
Chances of the baby developing pulmonary hypertension are very high during the third trimester if anti-inflammatory drugs are taken.
A short while before labour delays the labour process.

Even though the usage of NSAIDs during breastfeeding does not pose much risk to the baby, it is advisable to use the drug under the supervision of the doctor.

Side effects

Some of the most commonly seen side effects of using NSAIDs for long term include:

  • Dyspepsia
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Stomach ulcer may lead to complications like
  • anaemia
  • gastrointestinal bleeding,
  • gastrointestinal perforation

NSAIDs may affect the heart as well as remaining parts of our circulatory system. The less seen side effects are

  • heart attack
  • hypertension
    as well as
  • heart failure

Very rarely, the usage of NSAIDs can affect the kidneys and liver.

Usage of NSAIDs in persons who have asthma can worsen the situation. So it is always better to avoid using these drugs during asthma. But if it is unavoidable, then the intake must be monitored to avoid any critical conditions.
Using certain NSAIDs after surgery or after a major injury can result in excessive bleeding. In such cases too NSAIDs must be administered under the supervision of a doctor.

Side effects of using NSAIDs

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