Periods, irregular

The periodic shedding of the endometrium (lining of the womb) is known as menstruation. It starts between the age of 10 to 16 and continues until menopause. The menstrual cycle varies from 24 to 35 days but on an average lasts for 28 days. It may take 2 years for a girl to have regular periods. In some cases the periods are quite painful for these two years. Most women develop a regular menstrual cycle after puberty. The average length of bleeding during periods is 5 days but may vary from 2 to 7 days. Some women always have irregular menstrual cycle. The amount of blood lost, duration of bleeding and the interval between periods have wide variations every time.

Causes of irregular periods

A stress, changing methods of contraception and emotional and physical upsets may cause disturbance in a women’s menstrual cycle. Spotting between periods may result due to the use of an IUD or a contraceptive pill. When a woman uses a contraceptive pill for the first time, it may cause small bleeds known as breakthrough bleeds. They stop in few months and are usually lighter and shorter than normal periods. The hormones oestrogen and progesterone regulate the menstrual cycle. The common cause for irregular periods is a disturbance in the balance of these hormones. Hormone imbalance may also occur due to heavy exercise, illness, stress and weight loss or gain. Irregular bleeding is normal before menopause and for a few years after puberty. During this time the periods may become lighter or heavier and may last for a longer or shorter period. This may also change in the amount of blood lost during this time. Irregular periods may also result due to non production of eggs by ovaries every month. Early miscarriage, unsuspected pregnancy, disorder of ovaries or of the womb may also cause irregular periods. Another possible cause for irregular periods can be a thyroid disorder. Age, medical history and method of contraception are considered before determining the cause of irregular period. A possible pregnancy may cause irregular periods. Cancer of the cervix or womb may be the cause for heavy bleeding or bleeding with intercourse .This can be diagnosed by doing a colposcopy, a pelvic scan and direct examination of the vagina and cervix.

Treating irregular periods

The treatment for irregular periods depends on the cause for it. A removal of IUD and changing to another method of contraception is recommended if the IUD is the cause of irregular period. If the introduction of a new contraceptive pill causes irregular periods, it is wise to change to other types of pills available. Irregular periods may take place during the treatment of overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) or under active thyroid (Hypothyroidism).The periods return to normal after the treatment is over. During puberty or when one is nearing menopause, irregular periods may happen and is very common. It is not necessary to take any kind of treatment during this time. Treatment with synthetic hormone is done if irregular periods are causing difficulty in conceiving. Stress management, counselling or relaxation techniques may be recommended if irregular period is due to stress and weight loss.

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